50!!! Wow, that’s such an accomplishment! I LOVE Parkway Central & librarians & serendipity so sounds like a perfect day! Speaking of, im also searching for the perfect flourless choco cake for Passover so i will check this one out!

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Thanks April! and the cake is a flawless recipe IMO. ❤️

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I read slowly noticing that I was holding my breath as not to interrupt the stream of consciousness that I was being swept away on. To live on the edge of vulnerability of ourselves is the hardest work we can do. I resonated with being outside an organization I was embedded within. This leaving of others that we shared life with is a mean spirited exorcism. The perceptual shift that Pema Chodrun and Jon Kabot Zinn talk about allows us to see the synchronicity, the hidden door to joy.

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Yes yes yes. My heart to yours Diane ❤️

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